تعبير عن بلقاسم حبة بالانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط، هناك العديد من العلماء والأشخاص الذين اعتمدوا في حياتهم على التعلم وأصروا على تقديم الكثير وتقديم حياتهم من أجل العلم والتعلم، وإجراء الأبحاث من أجل الدراسات العلمية والأبحاث وتزويد العالم بالأبحاث المفيدة والتي تعمل على تطوير الكوكب ، واكتشاف العديد من الأمور التي تسهل حياة الناس، وهناك عالك جزائري اسمه بلقاسم حبة وسوف نقوم بتقديم بعض المعلومات وتعبير بسيط عنه في هذا المقال في موقع فكرة.

تعبير عن بلقاسم حبة بالانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط

In the Arab world, there are many people who gave their lives for the sake of science and relied on science as a way to continue their life, and they wanted to give a lot for the sake of the land and its reconstruction, and there are many Muslim scholars who came for different sciences a lot of things, there is a famous Algerian scientist His name is the scientist Belkacem Heba, and he is a scientist of Algerian nationality, but he lives between the United States of America and Algeria and moves in the performance of his experiences and his living between the two countries. The school or university from which this Algerian scientist graduated is Stanford University, and his main profession is a scientist.

شاهد أيضاً:موضوع تعبير عن صفات المعلم بالعناصر

تعبير باللغة الإنجليزية

The languages spoken by this Algerian scientist Belkacem Heba are three basic languages, which are Arabic, English and French. He has received many awards and honors in his professional and scientific life since 1992, and this world was the year in which he received the first award in his working and scientific life. The award was the best inventor from NEC, a Japanese company, and since then until now he has won many different awards.

شاهد أيضاً:مقدمة تعبير وخاتمة للصف الأول الاعدادي كاملة

من هو بلقاسم حبة

Belkacem Habbeh is also one of the most famous people in the field of science in the Arab world and has the famous title: “The Most Inventive Arab”.
At the world level, Belkacem Habbeh has received many different awards in the scientific field and in the field of inventions. Belkacem Habbeh has received nearly 1,500 patents until this time. He obtained a Ph.D. in solar energy. Applied Physics ,Belkacem Habba is also one of the founders of the organization called AAF-CEST Algerian-American Foundation for Culture, Education, Science and Technology

وفي نهاية هذا المقال المطروح في موقع فكرة نكون قد قدمنا العديد من المعلومات الموجودة عن العالم الشهير وهو بلقاسم حبة وقدمنا تعبير عنه باللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية.